Monday, February 14, 2022

02 17 2022 - Pastor Denning's Pastor's Pen "SHORTCUTS"


02 17 2022 - Pastor Denning’s Pastor’s Pen


I would like to begin this Pastor’s Pen a little different than I have in the past and that is with an expression of gratitude. First and foremost, I want to thank you, the reader. You know if it was not for you having the desire in reading these articles which my fellow pastors and I write, there most certainly would be one less direction in reaching those who need to be strengthened within the Word of the Lord. Secondly, I feel it is most certainly appropriate to Thank the owners and those who work at the Minneapolis Messenger Paper. Thank you for allowing us writers the privilege which we are given for this direction in reaching out to those beyond our own congregation’s doors. And last, but certainly not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my fellow pastors. Thanking them for their desire to express just a small part of what God has laid on their hearts. You know, I wish there was a bigger way to express my gratitude to all, because a simple Thank You seems to not be strong enough of an expression but seriously – Thank You to all.

With the blessing of snow being predicted to soon come, I can’t help but recall a time in my youth, when I first moved out of my family’s home and began to walk upon my own two legs. At that time, I was employed through the Dillon’s Store in Hays and on this day, we received snow! Now I am not talking about an inch or two but at least twelve inches in the low areas and way past two feet in the drifting areas. In fact, it snowed so much that my employer called and said that the store will not open that day. However, I should come in early the following day. This was good because my ‘72 Cougar was parked in the alley entrance to my basement apartment and to say the least, I was snowed in. 

Having a snow day from work did not imply that I had a play day. That is, unless you call digging your way from the backyard of your residence, through the alley, and onto the streets of society a playday. So, my L – O – N – G Day of shoveling began. The snow was so packed and so thick that I would slice chunks of snow on 3 sides forming a cube, almost like building an igloo, then scoop it up, carry it to the side, and give it a toss. I cut each square foot of snow, again ranging from twelve to beyond twenty-four inches thick of packed, wet snow, and removed it as if you were eating a cake. Now this was not a short task that allowed me the rest of the day to play, but rather this took from before it was light out until I was shoveling by the lights of my car. Now this was back when I was young, strong, and invincible! You know – back in my Superman Days! 😉 

But it was within my fulfillment of this task that I was extremely tested. You see, all the while that I was literally digging myself out of my parking spot and through the extra-long alley, I was tempted by this super-jacked up, loaded, 4 x 4 which had oversize springs, huge tires, and tons of laughter coming from it as they played all day in the snow. I would hear them coming down the road before they even got close, so I would take a short break and watch them as they passed by, ‘playing’ in the snow. Once they had gone on by, I would once again, return to my digging. This temptation was repeated and repeated over and over all day long. In fact, the sun was already down & I was shoveling by my car’s lights, having maybe another forty feet to go, when they came by and offered to help. No – they didn’t offer to help ‘dig’ me out, but rather they wanted to pull me the rest of the way out. 

Looking back on it, you know I never did agree to having them pull me out. However, the four of them just jumped into action and before I knew it, the pull was on. Now isn’t that like how it usually happens? We don’t really mean to take the short-cut; we don’t mean to give-up on what is working; and we don’t mean to fall into temptation. But the results are the same. We allow sin to rest, and it takes over and it pulls us into its depths, deep into sin. I mean – Isn’t that how it so often happens? Well, this story is no different. They pulled and pulled on my car but rather than pulling my car through the rest of the snow within the alley, they ended up just pulling it to rest on top of the snow, and then they left. YEP – as fast as they arrived, hooked me up, and pulled, they left even faster. So, there I was, not only did I have to dig all the remaining snow that was now hard-packed & no longer able to be cubed out of the way, but first I needed to dig out the snow that was packed under my car so that my tires hit the alleys pavement. What a mess. Just like sin, the once thought of 'good idea' (of taking a ‘short cut’) turned into way past twelve hours of digging my way out. 

You know, when we find ourselves being this high and dry in sin, God is always there to help us get out of that sin. He always offers us a way out, not saying that it is an easy way out, but it is a way out. We always must pay for our so-called 'short-cuts' in life. That is a given. Infact, that is what we call Justice. God is merciful, loving, and a comforting God. That is for sure. But there is always a price to pay for our sin. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for the sins which you and I so foolishly do. He left His Heavenly Realm, He left His Godship to come and take on our human form, to not only set an example of how we can live without taking these short-cuts but also, He came to pay yours and my price for our own mistakes. 

So where does this leave us? It leaves us with not only having a way out of our sins, but a way to eternal Life. By accepting Him into our lives - By us changing the way we live to a way of following Him - By us sticking to our tasks at hand and leaving temptation on the side of the road. And in exchange, He gives us a New Life! And what does God ask from us in return? That’s Simple. He just wants us to share our own stories with others just as I have done here. Sharing with others who know you, who live around you, your own friends. Just to share your stories of HOW God has worked in your life. Now, is that too much of a price for you to pay? 

As always, I want to offer you an invite to come and just share a moment with us here at Hall. We are only a short drive away, in God’s Beautiful Country and here at HALL, you will find yourself warmly welcomed with no pressure other than spending a little time with the Holy Spirit. God Bless and Thank You once again for spending just a little time with us writers, sharing with you our own stories of how God has helped us within our own lives.