Mark 10:35-45
“Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came over
and spoke to him.
“Teacher,” they said, “we want you to do us a favor.”
“What is your request?” he asked.
They replied, “When you sit on your glorious throne, we want to
sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your
But Jesus said to them, “You don’t know what you are asking! Are you able to
drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink? Are you able to be
baptized with the baptism of suffering I must be baptized with?”
“Oh Yes,” they replied, “We are able!”
The Jesus told them, “You will indeed drink from my bitter cup and be
baptized with my baptism of suffering. But I have no right to say who will sit
on my right or my left. God has prepared places for the ones he has chosen.”
When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked,
they were indignant. So, Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the
rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their
authority over those under them.
But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be
the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but
to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
So, what do you think?
There are Two Ways to Look at their actions.
1. Was James and John acting
in a Proud Way, Boasting?
2. Or were they acting in a
motivated way?
o As if they are being very ambitious acting?
§ Such as like the Early-Bird gets the worm;
§ Or the first to ask gets the prize.
comes to your mind when you think of the characteristics of Someone being
Male – Gentleman; Direct; Faithful; Integrity;
Honest; Mature; Self-Confident; and have a Positive Attitude
Female -
Self-belief; Ambition; Confidence; Passion; Humility and a willingness to
learn; Sense of purpose; Assertiveness; Hard Work; Bravery; and is Persistent.
There is no question, James and John both wanted to
be successful within their walk with the Lord and they wanted at least the
position of that success and maybe the recognition that goes with it.
To James and John, it was to sit next to Jesus, so
they could be close with the Lord as well as be in the position of knowing
what’s going on and have opportunities where they could act.
But-at least by the way that they opened the
conversation with Jesus suggests that they had some hesitation on their part.
"Teacher," they
began, "we want you to do for us whatever we ask of
“We want you to do us a favor.”
Often, we hear this “Testing of the Ground” from our
children who want to do something that they are not so sure that they will be able
to do.
We have all heard it, in fact, we have all done this
as well. “Mom and Dad, we want
to ask you for a favor.”
Asking in such a way that you are hoping for a “YES”
answer before the real question is even asked.
But I think you have to get up pretty early in the
morning to get one-over on Jesus. He so wisely and quite rightly responded with
a question of his own: "What is it you want me to do for you?"
Finally, the two brothers made their request, "Grant
us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory."
Surprisingly, Jesus Did-Not rebuke them for their desires.
And He did
not question them of their motives even though they were so inappropriate
and even proudful.
But Instead, he engaged them in further conversation
about "the cup"
and "the
He did not speak directly to it but I believe we all
heard Him asking the two brothers "Can you Really-Truly follow me through my
suffering and death?"
After all, Jesus had already told his disciples
about his up-coming arrest and execution -- not just once, but three times.
His last prediction of what was to come soon is
recorded in Mark 10:33-34 directly before our text for today.
Surely, if James and John had been listened to
Jesus, they would have understood what was coming and they may have changed
their minds about asking their question altogether.
10:33) Listen, we are going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of
Man will be betrayed to the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. 34)
They will sentence him to die and hand him over to the Romans. They will
mock him, spit on him, flog him with a whip, and kill him, but after three days
he will rise again.”
from James and John’s question,
it is very clear to me that they were so
engrossed in their concern about their own future rather than showing any
concern at all about Jesus’.
To the brother’s credit,
when Jesus questioned them, they bravely responded with a yes -- "We
are able."
And-Again, Jesus did not argue with them or question
their motives. He simply told them that it was not up to Him who will sit where
in the Glory.
what about the other Disciples.
What was their reaction?
What on Earth Are you
thinking of?
How Dare You go
behind our backs and ask Jesus for the best places of honor!
What are you trying
to do? Push us all out in the Cold?
Was there Jealousy?
What about Fear?
How about Pride?
And I believe if we
are truly honest, you would even have to say – that maybe, yes maybe some
hatred also?!
Isn’t it Almost like what we call ROAD RAGE in our World of Today?
Did you catch it?
Did you catch that NONE of The Disciples shown ANY
Concern At ALL about Jesus' prediction
of His Suffering and of His Death?
were just filled with Selfness,
thinking of ONLY of Themselves.
we Like that Today?
Down Inside of us, Is that who We Are Also?
As clearly as Jesus told them,
you would have to think that surly, it has to be that no one could understand what
Jesus was saying.
It makes you wonder because there is No Question that the other 10 clearly understood what James and
John had done.
we not all imagine them going right
back into the same argument that they all had on the road to Capernaum in the
previous chapter. You Know, “Which one of them was the greatest”?
You remember, that was when Jesus settled their
argument by saying, "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and
servant of all" (Mark 9:35).
And then as an
example, he encouraged them to welcome the children in their midst.
In today's text, he responded in much the same way: "Whoever
wishes to become Great among you must be Your Servant, and whoever wishes to be
First among you must be Slave of all" (10:43-44).
As an example, he
pointed to his own mission and way of life: "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to
serve, and to give his life a ransom for many" (10:45).
The Greek word for serving that appears twice in this verse is only found in three
other places within Mark's Gospel.
After Jesus'
temptation in the wilderness, angels
came to Serve Him. (1:13).
After Simon/Peter's
mother-in-law was healed by Jesus, she got up and used her newfound strength to Serve Jesus and his disciples. (1:31).
The women who
witnessed Jesus' death are described as those who
had Served him by supporting his ministry (15:41).
Isn’t Just So Cool? At the Beginning
and End of Mark's Gospel,
Jesus is Served by women and angels,
And here in chapter
In the midst of his
§ Preaching,
§ Teaching,
§ And Healing ministry,
Jesus describes Himself
with the very same word. He came to
For Jesus,
Success was not like sitting on a throne.
Success also Did Not
mean "Lording or Ruling it over" other people who were lower on the
social or economic ladder.
Success Did Not mean
acting like a Master or a Ruler.
But - Instead, success looked like Serving.
It looked like being
the Last in Line instead of the first.
It looked like being
a Servant -- even a Slave to all others.
For Jesus – He redefined the meaning of what it is
to be Successful.
It is not to ‘Sit on a Thrown Next to Jesus’ but
rather to ‘Follow Jesus into Servicing others.
A basic
dictionary definition of Service
is simply to do something for and to help someone
else –
Another person,
Your church,
Your community,
And Your world.
That Almost Rolls of your tongue like the 4-H’s
pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger Service,
and my health to better living,
For my club, My community, My country, and My world.
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger Service,
and my health to better living,
For my club, My community, My country, and My world.
– Just “How do we do this?”
It can be as easy as
holding the door open for someone
else behind you.
It can be visiting others who are in the Hospital
It could be just
serving others, helping out in a soup
It could be praying for others who are in need.
When you hear a siren, saying a quick but
meaningful prayer for the emergency crew, the people who are involved, and for
their families.
It can be so involved as being part of a house building
project for the poor
And it can even be being employed as a person who Serves
others, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Bus Driver, Teacher, or some other type of community
Service person.
It can be made easy,
just doing something to help in or offer service to others.
But just because it is easy to describe what Serving
Others Is, It does not mean that it is always easy to do.
only are we busy people in a busy world but when we Serve,
We cannot select
only those who we would like to help,
We are called to
Serve Everyone.
But - How can we possibly find the
Time and Energy to
do even one thing more than what we are doing now
And I am not always
comfortable when I am around some of the people who are in the world?
all can find so many excuses
But the thing is,
God’s Word challenges
Even with the
example of Jesus,
And Jesus challenges
us with the call to follow him –
Not only in our
Not only with our
Not only in our
But in our daily,
Every Day lives,
And in Serving,
Providing Service to Others.
But - How are we to do that?
How are we to become
people who are successful at Servicing
And not just with
our words
But Truly With and In
Our lives?
At the beginning of Mark's Gospel, Simon/Peter’s Mother-in-Law was
unable to serve.
She was sick with a
It was so severe
that she couldn't even get out of bed.
Then Jesus came to
her home –
He came right to her
bedside –
He took her hand,
He helped her up,
And the fever left
She was completely
FIRST THING To be successful at
Service, we need
The Healing Touch of
is a little information about me:
I can't preach
I can't visit
someone who's just been diagnosed with cancer on my own.
Or at least if I do these
things on my own strength,
I know that the Good
that I share won't last long.
I can't Bring the Compassion
of Jesus
Nor the challenge of
Jesus' teaching to anyone
§ Unless I've first been touched by God myself first.
is not only the Truth for me but for all of us.
Without having the touch of Jesus
And the power of the Holy Spirit,
We will just get
frustrated, tired, and burned out.
And that Touch can come in so many ways.
Sometimes we might receive that touch
In our own quiet
times with the scripture and/or in our prayer time.
Sometimes we might receive it
During the worship
or as we take part in the Lord's Supper while at church.
Sometimes we receive it
Through music, Through
Or even after having
an afternoon nap.
the Touch comes a feeling of Great Peace.
This makes us feel
really close to God,
And we may just want
to stay there and enjoy that Peace.
We may just want to enjoy ourselves,
To enjoy God's Goodness,
And leave all of the
Responsibilities and Frustrations of the world behind us.
to live a life of successful living is more than just Jesus and us and feeling good about life.
We are not meant to receive the touch of Jesus only
for ourselves.
That would be like
singing the same chorus over and over again without ever stopping.
It may be wonderful
at first, but at some point, you have to move on to a new song.
To be successful at service,
Yes, we need the
touch of Jesus,
And we also need to
move on to the next step.
mother-in-law didn't continue
To lie in bed
thinking about how wonderful it was to be healed by Jesus.
She didn't just
think about serving.
She didn't just sing
about serving.
She responded with
To be people who are
successful at serving,
We need to respond to Jesus.
We can't just save up our serving for some future day
For a time when we
think we'll have more time then,
Or for a time when
we think we'll feel ready.
Jesus, serving was a way of life.
Even if Jesus had never said a single word
That described the
way that lived,
We surely gain that
knowledge by just the things that he did.
For Jesus, serving was more important
Than for Him to keep
the religious law.
When he saw a man with a withered hand,
He healed him --
even though it was on the Sabbath that the law reserved as a day of rest.
For Jesus, serving was just part of who he was/is.
a wonderful recording of events found in the Gospel of John telling us about Jesus washing the disciples' feet.
Normally, it's the feet
washing part of that story that gets our attention.
But just before
Jesus washes his disciples' feet,
In John 13:3, it
says, "Jesus knew that the Father had given Him authority over
everything and that He had come from God and would return to God.”
That was when He got
up from the table and washed his disciples' feet.
Jesus served because
he knew that he had come from God and was going to God.
He served out of a
sense of who he was.
Jesus, serving did not come out of guilt.
It did not come out
of low self-esteem.
It did not come
because other people expected it.
It did not come
because he needed to win the approval of others.
For Jesus, serving
came out of knowing who he was.
That's my hope for your service and for my service.
Serving will come out of knowing who we are
Who we are in
relationship to God through Jesus Christ.
We will be empowered to serve
Because we've been
touched by Jesus
And are ready to
respond to his call in our lives.
Dear Lord, we are so grateful that you came
Not to be served but
to serve,
And we receive your
touch in our lives with joy.
For those like Peter/Simon's mother-in-law
Who are ill and
unable to serve,
We pray for your
mercy and healing,
And for patience to
rest in you.
For those you enable,
Grant a fresh vision
And fresh motivation
for serving you and others. Amen.