Saturday, November 10, 2018

10-28-18 Micah 6:8

Today, Our Main Verse comes to us from The Book of Micah 6:8.
However, today we will be referring to many scriptures and, in your bulletins, on the back of your center handout,
·         As an aid to you,
·         There is a list of Scriptures,
·         Which are in the order as we will be coming to them.  

But- before we get start there,
Let’s just go over a few basic things.
SIN Separates us from God?

And the Definition of SIN is Knowing of what is right and wrong and then Choosing to act upon what is wrong.

And the Result or the Effect of Sin is Our Separation from God.

And then this Separation causes Diseases and Death in You and Me!

That is Disease and Death of this World as well as within the next for All Eternity!


Now – within this start-up, I don’t believe I have introduced any new thought pattern here but:

·       How do we get out of Living in a Sinful World
·       And How Can we keep from returning to it?

Eight Steps
1.   We can be saved by Putting our faith in Him.
2.   Living within a relationship with our Lord.
3.   Surrendering ourselves totally over to Him.
4.   Repenting and asking for forgiveness of all our sins.
5.   As well as to forgiving all who have sinned against us.
6.   And being Baptized, asking for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives.
7.   And then Repeating 1-5 for the rest of our lives.
8.   OR – Just To Live a Pure Life and Avoid Sin! (But how has that been going for you so far?)

(If anyone who has not been baptized, and would like to visit about it, stop by and mention that to me.
Or, if any of us would like to be rebaptized, to draw a new hard line in the sand, stop by and visit with me.
I would be more than happy to help you with either one of those.)

Now, who can tell me what is happening in 4 nights from now?
On October 31st?
Halloween – you bet.

·       So, is there anything associated with Halloween which we should be aware of?
·       Is there anything in there that can get us into trouble?

I find it very fascinating to learn about where
·       And how we come up with our traditions that we have today.
·       Where they got there start.
·       What purpose did they have then?
·       And how popular were those traditions then?
o  And how they influenced the lives of the people then?
o  And how that Compares to how they are influencing our lives here today.

·       Did you know that the Season of Halloween is now the most US Celebrated holiday of the year?
·       And with its base being founded in the Scary – Dark – And even in the Dead,
o  It really shouldn’t surprise any of us that Halloween
o  Comes with a very interesting and of course,
o  A very dark and terrible history.

Can I ask for all of the children to come forward, I have a little Children’s Corner for them today?

·       On the insert which I talked to you about at the beginning, about the list of the Scripture for today’s Lesson, I have also included in that insert, some of the origins of some of the areas of Halloween.
o  And I would greatly encourage our adults to read it and for parents to consider if our older youth should also read it so we all may become more aware of the choices which we make.

It surprised myself to learn that even though I have celebrated Halloween for so many years when I was younger.
·       I never took the time to understand what was really behind what I was celebrating in.
Very eye opening to say the least.

So - How many of us carve out pumpkins and put them out on our front porches?

And that is the very reason that I have Mr. Jack-o-Lantern up here with me this morning.  

But let’s talk a little about Mr. Jack-O-Lantern.
·         The use of Jack-O-Lanterns comes from an Irishman who actually lived so-so many years ago.
·         And of course, his name was Jack.
·         Now Mr. Jack just loved to play tricks on the Devil.
o    He Teased the devil and flirting with him but it didn’t have a good result.
o    Oh, no. Not at all!
·         See, as Jack found out, with being such a prankster with the evil; it comes with a very great cost.
·         Did you know that all of our actions that are against God come with a very high cost?

See the legend has it that upon Mr. Jack’s death, he was not able to go to heaven nor into hell.
·         But rather he was stuck in-the-in-between world for all eternity.
·         He was forced to wander the world day and night.
·         Never being able to rest for even a moment.
·         See - The devil’s goons were always after him.
·         And all during this time, even carrying on into our world today, he is blind to everything except for what he can see from the light of his lit lantern.

And this is why even today,
·       We hollow out our pumpkins and set them so proudly by our door steps with a candle lit inside of them to scare off all of the evil spirits.

But just –
·       How ridiculous is the logic in that?

However, how many of us carve out our pumpkins or have plastic pumpkins and put them outside by our door steps?

But before you go back and sit with your parents,
Who wants to stick your hand inside our pumpkin and feel the goo that is inside of him?
But let’s see if we can learn some great knowledge from our Mr. Jack, the lost soul Irishman.
·         Are we like Mr. Jack?
·         Do we also “flirt” with the devil?

And if we do,
·         Does that really cause any harm to come upon us from just being a little “flirty” with sin?

I believe we all know that we Can NEVER Do Enough Of Anything to remove our sins from ourselves!
·         Right?

Ephesians 2:8-9 says (NLT),
God saved you by his grace when you believed.
And you can’t take credit for this;
It is a gift from God.
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

It is ONLY BY the GRACE of God in which we are saved.
·         That it is ONLY Through the Death and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which He makes us even possible to even begin to be presentable to God.

Image result for jackolanternBy using our Mr. Jack-o-Lantern as a symbol of us,
(Remove the insides)
·         Just as Mr. Jack cannot remove his gooey and yucky stuff out of him by himself,
·         We can’t remove our own yucky sins from ourselves either.
Image result for jackolantern
Light the candle)
Only Jesus can do this.
·         He is the only one who can remove our sins from us.

But let’s take another look at our passage for today but this time, I would like to go back and begin to read from verse 1 and see what is leading up to the Scripture that we have for today.

Micah 6:1-8 (NLT)
(Micah) Listen to what the Lord is saying:
(GOD) “Stand up and state your case against me.
Let the mountains and hills be called to witness your complaints.”
(GOD) “And now, O mountains, listen to the Lord’s complaint!
He has a case against his people.
He will bring charges against Israel.”
·         “O my people, what have I done to you?
·         What have I done to make you tired of me?

For I brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from slavery.
I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to help you.
·         Don’t you remember, my people, how King Balak of Moab tried to have you cursed?
·         And how Balaam, son of Beor blessed you?
·         And remember your journey from Acacia Grove to Gilgal,
·         When I, the Lord, did everything I could to teach you about my faithfulness?”
(6) (The People) “What can we bring to the Lord?
·         Should we bring him burnt offerings?
·         Should we bow before God Most High with offerings of yearling calves?
·         Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of olive oil?
·         Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins?”

(8) (GOD) “No, O People, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you:
·         To do what is Right
·         To Love Mercy,
·         And to walk humbly with your God.”

It always amazes me how we want to react.
·         Don’t we always want to make it not our fault.
·         And in our fixing, we want to “Do the Fixing” rather than to “Be” the fixing.
·         And to that point, we always do it the wrong way which ultimately, is in “our own” way.
o    Let me offer you some burnt offerings.
o    Let me offer you all of my yearling calves.
o    Let me offer a million of my rams and ten million gallons of olive oil.
o    Let me offer you my firstborn child.

·         Isn’t this still our response when we get caught today when we are in trouble?
·         Don’t we start out with small stuff to fix it but we end up with a most ridiculous type of statement,
o    blowing it all out of apportion, just to deflect the blame from ourselves.
·         All the while, what we are really doing is,
o    Saying, “It Isn’t My Fault!!!”

Just how seriously do you take your sinning?
·         Is one sin greater than another?
·         But isn’t all Sin equal to any Sin?

YES - All sin has the same effect!
·         It separates us from our Lord God.
·         And it brings death upon us.

Let me put it this way.
When Adam and Eve’s sinned, what did it cause?

Genesis 2:16-17 “But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden – except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

And then what happened after they ate from it?
·         There was the FIRST KILLING of All Times!
o    Animals were killed by God himself for their clothing.
·         Adam and Eve now wore the death as their outer skin.
·         Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden.
·         No longer being able to walk in personal harmony with God.
·         The gates where locked, sealed and a
o  Mighty cherub with a flaming sword was placed to guard the Garden.
·       Just How Seriously was it?

The Paradise was lost!

And in Romans 6:23 we read Paul’s writing of God’s words: “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

So, if sin is sin, it is equal with all other SIN
·         What is the cost of our own sin today?

Every time that we sin,
·       We create the very exact existence
o  As there was in the Very First Sin.


So, this brings me back to our verse for today.
Micah 6:8
·       How do we do what is “Good”?
·       And what is “Required” of us?

No, O People, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you:
·         To do what is Right
·         To Love Mercy,
·         And to walk humbly with your God.”

Do you recall what the very
1st Commandment says?

In Exodus 20:3, we find the beginning of the 10 Commandments and the 1st Commandment says
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
“You must not have any other god but me.”

And then later, Jesus told us of what was the Greatest Commandment.

This is found in Matthew 22:36-40
Jesus said:
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important:
Love your neighbor as yourself.”
The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

I believe Jesus Words which were recorded here in Matthew, the two greatest commandments, that is VERY similar to what God shared with Micah.

Here is a thought for us all to think about.
·         What comes to mind when you hear the words: “False gods”?
Do you think of the Golden Calf?
·         Well, maybe.
·         But what is our Golden Calf or Idol of Our World Today?

An idol by definition is anything that comes before or occupies the place of God within our lives.
·         Oh, you say.
·         I don’t have any of those.
·         So, I must be Alright! Right?

It is anything other than God that we allow to dominate and control us.
It is Any Item or Any Activity that we have or do more for our:
·         Own self-image
·         And our own desires of emotional needs
·         Than for the pure pursuit of Christ’s Kingdom.

We are very good at this.
We can make idols out of just about anything.
·         Our holidays -Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July
·         Our Children
·         Our Work
·         Our Success
·         Our Church Involvement
·         Our Home and Home Improvements
·         Our Family Obligations
·         Or anything else that we find more joy, peace, acceptance, or worth in other than in God.

We all have them.
·         But we need to find them,
·         Then we need to dig them up and remove them so we can be of God.
Image result for jackolantern
Let me use our Mr. Jack-o-Lantern to help communicate this clearer.  
As I go through a list of some of our possible idols,
·       I will be placing a piece of our Mr. Jack-O-Lantern back into the holes so as to symbolize our indulgence in those idols.

As we allow our idols to take over our lives, just like on Mr. Jack here,
·       We will be able to see that our idols will block people from being able to see
·       God’s flicker of Love
·       And of His Work of Salvation from inside of us.

Some of our idols which live within us are:
·         Greed
·         Cars,
·         Boats,
·         Toys,
·         Just Stuff
·         Sex
·         Sex out of marriage,
·         Affairs,
·         Pornography
·         Power
·         Within the home,
·         At Work,
·         Seeking your Career
·         All types and forms of personal indulgences and experiences.
·         The Extreme involvement of video gaming
·         Drinking,
·         Socializing
·         And sports involvement.
·         And even within the Church,
·         The Pursuing of Beliefs and Practices
§  Which hide our fears without actually reaching out
§  And keeps us from growing dependently upon God.
·         Just coming to Church each week.
§  And just to be here
§  We can make even that a Pursuit of Selfness.
·         The very practice of putting your tithe in the basket just so you have it covered,
·         And even with baptism, Being Baptized but in our hearts, not interested in pursuing a personal relationship God.
·         Even within our culture,
·         When we pursue and place our hopes
§  And ambitions through the deceptive promises of our world’s ideas and values.
·         Declining of Our Moral Statues,
·         Following and supporting Laws which go against God and His Word.
·         And finally – Even Flirting with the Devil,
·         By Partaking in Activities of this World
·         Being part of those activities, which support risky behavior
·         Tempting us to behave in ways which we shouldn’t.
We are very good at making personal things as well as ways of Living into our Very Personal Idols.

We build hidden worlds for us to live differently in
·         And in them, we try to hide them in secret from everyone.
·         Thinking that others won’t know about them and they won’t be able to see us indulge in them either.

We are so good of having Idols, so good in fact that this becomes Our New Truth.

But the Real Truth is, You Can Not Hide ANYTHING From Our Lord

And Everyone else will also know of it as well.
·         Even though you think you are doing it in secret,
Through your actions, it will cause it so
·       No one will be able to see the New Life, the Christian Life that you once had within you.

But here is the Great News
·       We have been given the power through Jesus Christ
·       To dig up these idols
·       And to get them out of our lives.

·         And if we take God’s Word seriously,
·         If we want to be faithful to God,
·         That is exactly what we must do.

·         As Christians, we are to have
·         No other gods,
·         No other idols,
Nothing at all that comes between us and Our One and True God.

Exodus 20:2-3 (NLT) “I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. You must not have any other god but me.”

And Our God is a Jealous God
Exodus 20:5 (NLT) “You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.
I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected – even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.”

He desires our total devotion.
·         So, we must Not Be like Mr. Jack and flirt with the evil one,
·         We must not allow the evil even close to us not alone, inside of our lives
·         Through the creation
§  And our worship of our personal idols.

So, What Do we Do with the Idols we have?
How do we get out of them?


The first step of purging ourselves of our evil is to understand that there are 3 different types of idols that we can be within us and they are;
1.   Personal Pleasing Ones,
2.   Religious Ones:
a.   They can even hide within our own Religious worship
3.   And of our world today:
a.   If you just look around our world today, they are growing like a wild fire and taking so many strong holds within our culture.


In addition to understanding what we are attacking, we must pray to Our God.
·         Asking Him to work through the Holy Spirit within our own lives.
·         Praying that the Holy Spirit will help us to move away from our playing with the devil’s Fire.


The 3rd step is a Hard One for us to follow through with.
·         We must preach the gospel to ourselves!
·         If we wait
o    And just learn,
o    And just hear
o    And we only read of God’s Word while we are here in Church,
o    Then that is about only 1 hour out of the 112 hours in every week!  (leaving 8 hours a day for sleeping)
Tell me, would you pay someone 112 hours of work if they only showed up at work, 1 hour of those 112 hours?
With living a life away from
·         Read of God’s Word,
·         Teaching it,
·         Sharing it,
·         Meditating over it
·         How is that being faithful in a pursuit of growing a personal relationship with God?

Then the second to the last step is
·         That we need to always,
·         And I mean always remind ourselves of what Jesus has done for us, that is for you and for me.
·         This is required so that we can become closer and fully accepted in Him.

And for last step but IT IS MOST Certainly not the Least,
·         We need to constantly remind ourselves that
·         Only True and Pure Joy,
·         Total Peace
·         And True Self-Worth
·         Can be found within a strong personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

For God has told you
Micah 6:8
“What he requires of you:
·         To do what is Right
·         To Love Mercy,
·         And to walk humbly with your God.”

And for whatever your plans are
·         For Celebrating Halloween,
·         Do it with Christian Honor
·         And within your Walk
·         with the Lord, Your God.
