– Be Faithful to the Fight
Point Wesleyan Church
is rooted deeply into the very fabric of God.
calls us to be nothing short of being totally loyal to Him.
And in
doing just that, being loyal to God, we will find security of our salvation.
wrote about this in 2 Timothy 4:7-8. (NLT)
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have
remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And
the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his
these words, we find Paul being very personal and open with us.
that he was now coming close to the end of his life, he bares his heart to us.
§ He
says he has fought a good fight.
§ He had
finished the race.
§ And he
had remained faithful.
And he
In knowing of his reward.
There is No guessing here.
Nothing is left to the undecided.
He knows!
How does your knowledge of your salvation rest
within you?
Is it secure and without doubt?
Can your security in this be shaken or broken?
are around 300 leaders recorded within the Bible and if we pull the most
prominent 100 of them and look at their lives, there is only around 1 in 4 who
finished well.
is true for these leaders in the bible can also be true of today’s churches and
of our denominations as well.
I tell you today that I want to finish well.
I want this church to finish well.
I want the Wesleyan faith to finish well.
But in this, I feel I have to be very open with
I used
to think that the greatest danger for the church was for it to become too free-thinking
or adapting to become broad minded and free thinking.
we must never let our theological guard down, I don’t believe this is the
greatest danger facing our church today.
face a very worldly belief system which is becoming increasingly forceful and
aggressive in its
And I
fear the danger is that we are facing this with a very relaxed spiritual heart.
Today, we face a world whose heart is becoming
increasingly cold.
A heart which is separating itself from reality
as if an attempt so it doesn’t feel anything anymore. And when it protects
itself so it feels no pain, it in turn also feels no love.
We face a world’s heart that needs / requires
the feeling of hot fiery embers of evangelism!
And I fear of the danger that is awaiting for
Although we see all of this.
And we know all of this.
But we are not prepared nor are we preparing
ourselves for this battle because our own hearts are full of uninspired passion
for God.
Because we ourselves are burned out, we are
lost, we are like a ship - rocking back and forth in the wind and we are
without any sails.
Every day, we Face a Devil who is alive and
A Devil who has saved his biggest guns and his heaviest
artillery for these last days.
These Days which are filled with him doing all
he can to make us just throw up our hands and quit!
And with the Devil doing all of his best work,
we face him with just lukewarm hearts.
I desire to be able to say this personally.
I desire for my church to be able to say this congregationally.
I desire for our denomination to be able to say
this corporately.
To say exactly what the Apostle Paul said in
perhaps the most famous last words from anyone short of Jesus Christ Himself:
“I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
And I have kept the faith.”
know our last words before we past are very powerful and important.
is a story of a lawyer visiting with a widow about her husband’s passing and
the fact that he did not have a signed will.
lawyer said, “Did your husband have any last words?”
widow said, “You mean right before he died?”
The lawyer
said, “Of course. You see, they might be very helpful if it’s not too painful
for you to recall.”
gathered her thoughts some and then said, “Well, the last words he said just
right before he died were, ‘Woman - You don’t scare me with that gun. You can’t
hit the wide-side of a barn.’”
wrote in his words,
“I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
And I have kept the faith.”
He wrote this when he truly felt that it was
at the end of his life, with either Paul going to see Jesus or Jesus coming
down to see him.
Paul wrote that he had fought the good fight, both the words “fought”
and “fight”
comes for the Greek word, ‘agon’ which presents our English
word ‘agony’.
literally means “Conflict” or “Contest”.
believe we would all agree that Paul was most certainly a spiritual soldier in
the army of God.
If you
don’t know of this or if you have forgotten, I want to remind you today that every
true believer is a soldier of the cross.
does not have a volunteer army; the draft is still in effect and everybody has
been drafted.
In 2
Timothy, 2:3, we find Paul’s writing to Timothy when he said to Timothy as well
as to everyone. "Endure
suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."
is not for the faint of heart.
you come to Jesus, He does not invite you to a picnic.
calls you to a fight.
when He tells us of the Armor of God? Ephesians 6:10-18
C. S.
Lewis once said, "There is no neutral ground in the universe:
Every square inch,
Every split second is claimed by God,
And then it is all counterclaimed by Satan."
child of God faces three enemies.
And these enemies don't fight fair.
They don't fight clean.
They don't accept ‘cease-fires’ agreements.
There are no hands off areas of our lives.
And they don't sign peace treaties.
enemies which we all face are:
The World,
The Flesh,
And the Devil.
And if
you feel that I am mistaken,
it really isn’t that bad after all,
the world hasn’t changed that much.
If you
don't believe that there really is a war going on
right now, just pick up your newspaper, turn on your television, or even just listen
to your radio.
must be faithful to the fight because there is a war going on. A war which is
To change our culture
To change our belief system
And to change the world’s morality.
Dartmouth English professor, Jeffrey Hart, in a recent speech
reported by the Wall Street Journal, said:
‘A great many things happened all of sudden in this country in the very recent past. Without going into the right and wrong of every case I list them objectively.
‘A great many things happened all of sudden in this country in the very recent past. Without going into the right and wrong of every case I list them objectively.
Within living memory,
abortion was a felony in virtually every state in the nation. Today, abortion
is commonplace in America; demands that it be federally funded are alleged to
be rooted in the Constitution.
Within living memory,
hard-core pornography was largely kept out of sight, usually by a rough
agreement between sellers and authorities. Now the hard-core stuff is available
on your newsstand.
And I
would have to add to his list by saying that it is also on the internet, billboards
along the road side, TV shows, the commercials and even in the kid cartoons.
Within living memory,
school children recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and in many
schools simple prayers. At Christmas time, they sang Christmas carols. Suddenly
all of that fell under proscription (which means the banding of).
Within living memory,
homosexuals were, for the most part, discreet. Suddenly we find that they
demand public legitimization of their uniqueness, stage parades and demand
representation in governing bodies as a legitimate minority.
Is there any question
that a revolution has in fact been imposed upon an unsuspecting nation?
We are
in a war and we must be faithful to the fight.
Now I
warn you that other than a few films produced such as ‘War Room’, we will not get
any help from Hollywood or from the media.
the book “Media Elite”, the authors
interviewed the people who bring us the big nightly news shows, and found that:
90% of them are pro-choice.
75% believe homosexuality is morally
And only 8% attend some type of religious
services regularly.
authors went on to say that in a survey of 104
of the top Hollywood elite movie stars, to better understand their
opinions on religion and morality, they found that:
93% never go to church.
95% believe homosexuality is perfectly
97% were pro-abortion
And 84% believe there is nothing wrong with
and more we are being told to:
along and get along with;
And be
and more, we see pastors, churches, and even denominations crumbling before this on slaughter of humanistic and political
But we
must stand firm!
like many of you, have sometimes been
reluctant to participate in political events but the time is now to be
visible, to pray, to make educated, biblically informed decisions in the voting
Thursday, April 28th, the Franklin Graham’s, Billy Graham’s son’s ministry
is organizing stops in each of the state’s capitals prior to the election in an
effort to ask God’s people to come together to pray and to commit to vote.
“Decision America Tour” stops in Topeka on April 28th for a rally at
the state capitol between noon and 1PM.
Chronicles 7:14)
“If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and
seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
friends, the difference may be small but the result is great.
is why Paul called it a ‘Good’ fight.
It’s a
“good fight because it is God’s fight.”
I know
we are told we ought to keep politics out of the pulpit but I believe whenever
the political world impacts the spiritual and the moral world, we have the biblical
responsibility to address the political.
We all
know we face the fact that there are certain groups who protest us every year
and at every corner.
And they
always say that they are not going to go away.
Well, I
have news for them –
To the pornographer,
To the adulterer,
To the homosexual,
To the pedophile,
And to the abortionist,
Let us
say with love in our hearts,
but resolve in our souls,
we are not going to march under the white flag
of compromise;
But rather we are going to march under the
bloodstained banner of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Never give out,
Never give up,
And never give in when it comes to standing up
for the truth of the Word of God.
We will speak the Truth in love but we will speak
the Truth.
We may
be like a David standing against a world full of Goliaths but we have the slingshot
of Truth in one hand and the Rock of Ages in the other and we are guaranteed to
have victory in Jesus Christ.
So, my
friends, until He comes, be faithful to the fight.