03-28-16 Easter Sunday (Luke 24)
Turning Point Wesleyan Church
Pastor Dan
I greet
you this morning as “Easter People” because that is who you are.
For an
Easter person, Every Easter Day is not only the most important day of the year;
But the Very First Easter was most certainly the most important day within all
of history.
Resurrection is the Capstone and Cornerstone of our Faith.
Graham once declared, “If I were an enemy
of Christianity, I would aim right at the Resurrection because that’s the heart
of Christianity.”
Paul felt the very same way. He said, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain
and your faith is in vain” (I Cor. 15:14)
Luke, one of the Gospel writers, within his writings of Chapter 24, tells us
that the first “Easter People” were a band of women who came to Jesus’ tomb on
the first Easter morning.
an honor that was.
To be
the first to discover the Easter Miracle!
you ever Wonder WHY God chose a band of women to be the first?
Now I
am sure there has been some thought of why was it this way.
God wanted to spread the Good News FAR AND WIDE, He must have asked Himself,
“Who talks the most and who cannot keep secrets?”
And on that basis of that, God chose a band of
we may like to poke fun with that type of stuff, but I most certainly do not
believe “that” was the reason God chose the women. Not at all.
The women made the discovery simply because
they were the FIRST to Honor the Lord.
They were the FIRST who tried to render
a humble service to their crucified Lord.
They went to the tomb to anoint the body with
spices, because that was their custom of their day, and in doing so, they discovered
that Jesus had risen.
the fact that women were the first Easter people is another piece of true evidence
for the truthfulness of the Bible.
about it.
If the
Da Vinci Code were correct in its claim that the four New Testament gospels,
the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, that they were:
Just propaganda documents,
That the 4 Gospels were just dreamed up,
written by someone with a very wild imagination,
That they were just fiction stories about a man
that they called Jesus Christ.
That the early church came up with this strange
That these stories were to be written just to
“sell” or “market” the thoughts and beliefs that Jesus Christ was and is the
Son of God,
And their intent on doing this was just to form
bonded servants to serve them within the church.
If this was the intent, they most certainly
would not have chosen women as their choice of The “First Witnesses”
to the Resurrection.
Jewish law of that time, women could not be better than a ‘second-class’
Let me
try to paint what being a ‘second-class’ person was really like.
like many of our ancestors, when my great, great grandparents came over on the
boat, the women and the children, my Great-Great Grandmother and my Great
Grandfather (as a child) were listed on their travel manifest as ‘Cargo’. The
men were listed by name giving honor to them as men but women and children were
cargo. That means the women and children were considered to be no better than their
travel trunks and their other possessions!
Do we
understand what that really means?
had no, zero rights as people like what many of us just take for granite today.
were nothing.
And because
of that nothing status, a woman’s testimony was totally unacceptable. It was
So, if
the four gospels were fabrications, would it not be better to have it written were
Simon Peter or John or some of the other disciples would have come to the tomb?
have always had trouble with the thought of the Resurrection.
ask, “Do you really want me to buy into and to believe that a dead man walked -
out - of his grave?”
the Skeptics are not along because that was the very same type of attitude that
was found by all of Jesus’ disciples when the women first shared the Good News.
24:11 & 12 read “But the story
sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it. However, Peter
jumped up and ran to the tomb to look. Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty
linen wrappings; then he went home again, wondering what had happened.”
after Peter heard and then saw with his very own eyes, he still didn’t believe.
you know, a skeptic of God may find an even tougher job then collapsing the
news of the Resurrection when it comes to trying to deflate the news of what
happened just a short time thereafter.
earth-shattering happened.
a seven-week period following the death of Jesus, a little band of depressed,
cowardly men were transformed into a militant, boisterous, high-spirited
team of evangelists who Boldly spread the Resurrection News
across the world.
Did you know that Ten of the original disciples
were executed for their beliefs.
And their lives would have been spared if they
had just denied that Jesus rose from the dead.
But they would not give in
They didn’t give in even unto death.
Let me ask you. Are people who fabricate a
story willing to die for that lie?
to Dr. Luke’s account of what happened on that first Easter morning, two men in
dazzling apparel met the women at Jesus’ tomb.
As the women bowed in fear and in awe, the men
(who really were angels) gave them certain instructions.
It seems to me that they told the women and us
exactly what is required in order to be Easter People.
The angels told them that they were looking in
the wrong place for a live person.
But at least the women were searching.
That is more than we can say for the disciples.
They were inside, huddled down with fear and despair behind locked-sealed doors.
is a great promise in the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah about those who search
for God. In Jeremiah 29:13 ESV, we find God sharing: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your
heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your
fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have
driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from
which I sent you into exile.”
I have
heard the argument that all people die. Even the greatest people do. So what is
the difference?
you know that there should be a Huge difference between the way we treat a dead
hero and Our Living Lord?
We honor
the memory of a dead hero.
for this example, let’s think of President Abraham Lincoln. He was a great man,
trying to make a great difference.
We salute him with a respectful nod of
appreciation on each President’s Day.
We might even visit his memorial in Washington.
We try to remember and teach his principles.
if Jesus Christ were nothing more than a dead hero, perhaps an annual visit to
a church would be sufficient.
But if
He is Our Living Lord, that’s not enough.
If He
is Our Living Lord, then it seems fitting to join with His people and worship Him
priorities should change and be shifted.
least every Sunday would be the minimal amount of time to give Him Tribute.
often do you really truly seek Him, and in visiting His Church is evidence of your
commitment, are you believing Him to be a dead hero or Your Living Lord.
angels said to the women on Easter morning, “He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he
was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of
sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise."(Luke
24:6-7 ESV)
himself said, “Heaven and earth
will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Mark 13:31 ESV)
words are delivered to us in this Holy Bible. Jesus prayed for all of us
believers with these words: “Sanctify
them in the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17 ESV)
Bible has always been under attack as it is today.
A. Dan
Brown’s novel, “The Da Vinci Code,” published in 2003, continues to be on the
New York Times best-seller list.
It claims that almost everything in the Bible
taught about Christ is false.
The book claims that Jesus married Mary
Magdalene and they had a daughter named Sarah whose descendants became kings of
B. Then next roles out the movie, “The
Da Vinci Code” as it is still offered as a main movie today so that it is
very easily for people to watch it.
It claims that Jesus never claimed to be God
and that he was never resurrected from the dead.
C. And then there is another book on the
best-seller list which is entitled, “Misquoting Jesus.”
It claims that mistakes by ancient scribes
distorted the original message of the Bible.
In hearing these fabrications, we should wonder
if the author had even ever heard of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit has protected
the Bible, that He has protected God’s Words from any noteworthy type of error.
D. And
then the National Geographic channel presented a program called “The Gospel
of Judas.”
It claims that Jesus instructed Judas to
betray him.
This is based on an ancient 13-page papyrus
document written in Egypt in the Coptic language.
Church leaders have been aware of this as well
as other “false gospels” as early as 180 A.D.
Church leaders denounced these false gospels as
being untrue.
is at least 4 widely seen and attempts accounts of trying to discredit our God
since just 2000.
only antidote for lies is the truth of God’s Word.
with having that knowledge,
Do you read the Bible,
Do you read the Bible more than once a week?
More than twice a week?
Why is
reading the Bible so important?
the answer is - Because the more familiar we are with His Word, with the four
genuine gospels, the less helpless we will be to the teachings of some type of false
We can
find great rest in the fact that within 2000 years, no one, not even a single
statement within the Bible has ever been proven to be false?! Not one.
the women of Easter morning make a much better showing than the disciples in
their believing.
the very moment these women heard the Good News that our crucified Lord had
arisen, they believed it.
But how
was this news with the disciples?
The news seemed like nonsense to them.
One of the disciples, Thomas, went so far as to
make his bold statement that he would not believe it unless and until
he could see the wounds in Jesus’ hands and side.
And do
you remember when, later, Jesus showed Thomas his wounds and then said, “Have you believed because you have seen
me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John
along with me with this thought:
“Let’s suppose that an unborn infant, in its mother’s womb, is able to
reason and speak. Suppose also that someone says to it, ‘Soon you must leave
this place and be born. You will enter a different realm’, a different reality.
The infant might protest and say, ‘I like it here. I am fed, warm, and I feel
loved. I don’t want to leave this place and be born.’
But nature takes its course and the baby is born. After he endures a slap
on his rear and cries a bit, he looks up into a loving face. The infant is cuddled
in loving arms. He soon discovers that he can get anything he wants if he will
just cry or coo. So, the infant says to himself, ‘This is nicer than I thought
it would be.’
The years of childhood pass. Then the child becomes a youth, then an
adult, and years later he grows old. Lots of bodily parts begin to wear out and
ache. One day the thought of death begins to worry him. He says to himself, “I
like this place. I don’t want to leave. Death scares me.”
But nature again takes its course. He dies. What happens then? The Bible
declares and I believe that each believer is born once more. He looks up into a
face more beautiful than that of his mother. Loving eyes look down on him and
underneath are the everlasting arms. He is born again into a heavenly realm
where there is no more pain, no more death, and no more sin. He is home at
believe that with all my heart –
I am
an Easter Person.
And if
you believe it, you are an Easter Person too.
women of the first Easter did just that.
women were the first evangelists within all history.
24:8 & 9 tells us that they “And
they remembered his words, and returning from the tomb they told all these
things to the eleven and to all the rest.”
week we talked about Paul’s final words which were recorded in 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
“I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits
me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give
me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who
eagerly look forward to his appearing.”
we leave here and we are face to face with the Great Almighty,
How will you answer this very important
question from Jesus Himself:
“Whom did you bring with you?”
mentioned Billy Graham earlier within this teaching. Let me conclude with a
story about him.
in 2000, Billy was honored by his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. On
that occasion he told a story about Albert Einstein.
was traveling by train from Princeton to New York. The conductor came down the
aisle, punching the tickets of each passenger. When he came to Einstein, the
old man couldn’t find his ticket. He looked everywhere but couldn’t find it.
Finally the conductor said, “Don’t worry, Dr. Einstein, I don’t need the
ticket. I know who you are.” The conductor went on to the other passengers,
punching their tickets. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Dr. Einstein
looking everywhere for his ticket. He rushed back and said, “Dr. Einstein,
don’t worry about the ticket. I know who you are.” Dr. Einstein replied, “Young
man, I too know who I am. What I don’t know is where I’m going.”
Billy Graham said, “Look at this suit I’m wearing. It’s brand new. My wife and
children kept telling me that I needed to dress a bit more fashionably, so I
went out and bought this suit for this luncheon and for one more occasion. Let
me tell you about that other occasion. This is the suit in which I’ll be
buried. But when you hear I’m dead, I don’t want you to immediately think about
the suit I’m wearing. I want you to remember this—I not only know who I am. I
also know where I’m going.”
Easter Person knows where he or she is going.
is because of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter morning.
Easter Person can recite Robert Louis Stevenson poem with words of their own:
stars shine over the mountains; the stars shine over the sea;
The stars look up to Almighty God, and the stars look down on me.
The stars shall last for a million years, a million years and a day,
But God and I will live and love when the stars have passed away.”
The stars look up to Almighty God, and the stars look down on me.
The stars shall last for a million years, a million years and a day,
But God and I will live and love when the stars have passed away.”
join with me in that ancient Easter affirmation shared by Christians for 2000
I will
say, “Jesus is risen” and then you will respond with, “He is risen indeed!”
is risen!”
“He is
risen indeed!!!”