04-10-16 – John 21:1-14
Turning Point
Wesleyan Church
Pastor Dan
21:1-14 (NLT)
“Later, Jesus appeared
again to the disciples beside the Sea of Galilee. This is how it happened.
Several of the disciples were there—Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin),
Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee (James and John), and two other disciples.
Simon Peter said, “I’m
going fishing.”
“We’ll come, too,” they
all said. So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night.
At dawn Jesus was standing
on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was. He called out,
“Fellows, have you caught any fish?”
“No,” they replied.
Then he said, “Throw out
your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did,
and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.
Then the disciple Jesus
loved (which is John) said to Peter, “It’s the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that
it was the Lord, he put on his tunic (for he had stripped for work), jumped
into the water, and headed to shore. The others stayed with the boat and pulled
the loaded net to the shore, for they were only about a hundred yards from shore.
When they got there, they
found breakfast waiting for them—fish cooking over a charcoal fire, and some
“Bring some of the fish
you’ve just caught,” Jesus said. So Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net
to the shore. There were 153 large fish, and yet the net hadn’t torn.
“Now come and have some
breakfast!” Jesus said. None of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?”
They knew it was the Lord. Then Jesus served them the bread and the fish. This
was the third time Jesus had appeared to his disciples since he had been raised
from the dead.”
I used
to be the Postmaster in Herington. All though Herington is a rather small
office, having 12 employees to lead and manage, I have also had the
opportunities to lead some larger offices such as Abilene, McPherson, Newton
and Dodge City.
One day, I was in a meeting
with my boss and other postmasters when I said to him,
"You know, it doesn’t matter where you work, there is one thing that I
have discovered that is a constant about being a leader? 50% of the work in
leading people is repeating the instructions or directions."
boss kind of straightened up and then said to me, “What did you say?"
repeated, "50% of the work in leading others is repeating
The laughter of my fellow postmasters helped me catch onto the joke, and then I laughed with them.
Just by bringing this idea or conclusion to your mind, I believe everyone would have to agree that instructions, directions, or orders, which are given, have to be repeated multiple times before they sink in far enough for them to be carried out to their fullest meaning.
The laughter of my fellow postmasters helped me catch onto the joke, and then I laughed with them.
Just by bringing this idea or conclusion to your mind, I believe everyone would have to agree that instructions, directions, or orders, which are given, have to be repeated multiple times before they sink in far enough for them to be carried out to their fullest meaning.
you ever experience anything different? It seems that even on the simplest
tasks, “taking the trash out after supper”, needs or requires a second or more
I am
not sure why but it just seems to always work that way.
It is
as if our mind only hears every 3rd or 4th word and we
assume we know what the rest of the instructions were.
But as humans, even when we are in charge of others, and maybe even more important to all when we are in charge of others, we must also understand that telling others what to do or how to do things or what not to do, those type of instructions are not the ONLY message we or they need to hear!
But as humans, even when we are in charge of others, and maybe even more important to all when we are in charge of others, we must also understand that telling others what to do or how to do things or what not to do, those type of instructions are not the ONLY message we or they need to hear!
In order
to survive, and do well and not only to do the job but to actually thrive
in doing it very well, we all need to hear some very important and
supported words.
these words can be delivered in a variety of ways.
“You matter to me.”
“I value you and your work.”
“You are important to me.”
“You are doing a great Job.”
And of course, to the right person and in the right
setting, some version of “I love you” is also required.
And we
need to hear and feel those type of words and their meanings more often than just
once a year, month, or week or so.
some of us, who have weathered the hurts of living through a broken
relationship, being wronged, when we again feel feelings of becoming intimate and
having feelings grow back up in us can be very difficult to handle. Expressing
and saying the words "I love you” after a hurtful relationship can be very
difficult. Especially during the first time of feeling those type of feelings
or saying those words again. It can be very frightening to deal with.
talking about living through a broken loving relationship, what do most people
do to cope with the emotions which come with or even from that?
of us pull back, withdraw from and do something that is comfortable and known
to us.
We may dress in our old sweats and soft
slippers and lay on the couch.
Many of us break out the comfort food, bag of
chips, ice cream, and a bag of cookies.
We sit in our comfortable chair, cover
ourselves with our favorite pillows and blankets.
We turn on TV and watch a movie, or listen to
music or read a book or just stare outside the window.
do you do when your life seems to fall apart?
And what
did the disciples do when their lives seem to no longer make sense?
Jesus was arrested.
Jesus is crucified.
Jesus rose from the dead
We see Him once in a while but He is now away
most of the time.
We are now alone.
What do we do –
What should we do now?
We read
that they went fishing.
was their objective of going out fishing that night?
answer to that is simple.
Most of the disciples were originally
That was their occupation,
Their job,
Their way of life before Jesus called them to
follow him.
They understood fishing.
look back at a similar story within the Book of Luke, Chapter Five and
beginning in verse 1.
is preaching and teaching by a lake when He joins a group of fishermen in their
boats. After a disappointing night of fishing, the men were heading back to
shore. But Jesus challenged them to head into deeper water and try
obeyed, and caught so many fish that their nets burst. These simple fishermen
became Jesus' first disciples.
the next three years, these fishermen saw Jesus:
Perform miracles,
And they watched Jesus turn the established
order of life upside down and almost totally inside out.
their sorrow when, at the height of Jesus’ ministry, that Jesus was arrested
and then crucified.
are they going to do now?
just as they were giving into their fear and confusion, Jesus appears to them,
undeniably alive and full of power, and announces that he has conquered death!
after this amazing turn of events, why are the disciples out fishing once
It is
not unusual under such circumstances to want to return to the familiar grounds.
the disciples needed time to clear their heads.
The soothing rocking of the boat,
The sparkles of the sea water,
The rough feel of the nets in their hands
--these things were comforting to Simon Peter
as well as to the other fishermen.
they needed this time in their comfort zone to sort out their thoughts and their
But how tempting is it to stay in that comfort
To stay in that boat?
To stay on that couch?
To leave the shades pulled down and to be alone?
To shut out the world and our responsibilities?
most tiring exercise which we can try to do within the world is carrying
our yesterdays around on your backs.
is exactly what the disciples were struggling with: carrying their yesterdays around
with them on their backs.
Each one had their own doubts of Jesus and of
His Words.
Each one had given up hope after Christ's
And Simon Peter had to deal with the biggest
burden of all: His Guilt - he denied Jesus three times when Jesus needed his
support the most.
So he
and his friends had retreated to their comfort zone.
Jesus was not going to allow them to stay out there for long.
is the second thing which we need to gather from these passages.
always calls us from our comfort zone to a life with Him.
like those inspirational sayings which we find all over the place. Sayings
“No Pain,
No Gain”.
And “When
the going gets tough, the tough get going”.
beatings will continue until morale improves”.
“Hang in
there, retirement is only 30 Years away!”
the going gets tough, the tough take a coffee break.”
And “Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, and Avoid All Disappointment”.
people live their lives according to that last slogan: "Aim Low - Reach Your Goals – And Avoid All Disappointment."
when Jesus calls us, it is to:
Head out into deep waters.
To get out of our comfort zone.
To let down our nets on the other side of the
boat. Like we have never done or even thought of doing that before.
And To trust that He is leading us into
something greater than the life we used to know.
It is so easy to get caught up in
trivial understandings of scripture and miss the Big Point.
Take a look at John 21:11: "Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore.
It was full of fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn."
Now why did God put in His Bible
that there were 153 fish?
Have you ever wondered about that?
No? Maybe yes?
Cyril of Alexandria in the 5th
century said that the 100 represented the fullness of the gentiles, the 50
symbolized the remnant of Israel and the three of course was there for the
Augustine's theory (also from the 5th
century) was a little more complicated. He said, there are 10 commandments and
7 is the perfect number of grace and that's 17 right? Now if you add all the
numbers from 1 to 17 together, you know 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 all the way up to 17
you'll get 153. And not only that but if you were to arrange them with 17 fish
in the first row, and 16 in the next row, and 15 in the next row, all the way
down to a row of 1 you get a perfect triangle which of course symbolizes the
Jerome, (he also lived in the 5th
century), suggested that there were 153 different types of fish in the sea and
it was symbolic of the church reaching all the people in the world.
Who knows?
But what if. And here is a crazy
thought. What if God put in His Bible that there were 153 fish in the net
because there were simply 153 fish in the net?
Or maybe, this is something for
Christ to know now and for Him to point it out later as He did with so many
scriptures from the Old Testament which pointed out who He was.
You see, sometimes we can get so
caught up in the really trivial stuff. Stuff that really truly doesn’t help
your or someone else’s conversion and we miss out on the point that God was
making which was, “That we need to be obedient and submissive to Christ, Today.”
Here is a Golden Statement:
don't achieve anything significant in life without leaving your comfort zone,
without stretching toward Godly goals, without giving it your all.
WITH CHRIST, After you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, YOU CAN NOT
why so many of us here are Not finding Joy, the Lord’s Joy, True Joy, True
Happiness within our walk with Christ.
you hear that?
why so many of us here are Not finding True Joy, True Happiness and True and
Total Peace.
We are
trying to live the same way of life we lived before we became conscious, aware,
and mindful of his work in our lives. And it can't be done.
you give your heart to Christ, He calls you to seek out new ways in which to
live out Christ's message.
must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned on living before, so we
can have the life that is waiting for us.
will be the same for us just as it was for Jesus' disciples, it will take some time
to learn this lesson.
now, we also have to learn another lesson as well.
is the life which we have designed or plotted out for ourselves, and then there
is the life that Jesus is calling us to.
And it
is so important to note that:
As the disciples drift along on the sea
Drifting in the dark at night,
Catching nothing,
Really expecting nothing,
It was at this moment when Jesus appears to
them again.
is the disciples' Golden Hour,
even if they did not realize it.
is the hour when God’s Plan and their Free Will joined together and it changed
their lives forever.
was the time, the hour when everything would begin to fall into place for the
Jesus appears to them
And He challenges them to do as they normally
would not do,
He challenges them to throw their nets on the
other side of the boat—
And the harvest of fish which awaits them is
beyond their wildest dreams.
the Bible there is one theme which you can always count upon and that is ‘God’s
Blessings follow our obedience to Him’.
First is our Obedience and Submission
Then comes God’s Blessings
disciples obeyed without hesitation, and suddenly they catch a more than boatload
of fish.
He was
re-commissioning them to go out with renewed commitment and to spread the good
news to all.
It is
decision time for these rugged fishermen.
In 1Kings
19:11-13, we see Elijah finding out how God talks to us.
“So He (meaning God) said,
"Go forth and stand on the mountain before the LORD." And behold, the
LORD was passing by!
And a great and strong wind was
rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the
LORD was not in the wind.
And after the wind an earthquake, but
the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the
earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire;
And after the fire a
sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard
it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of
the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing
here, Elijah?”
Our Real
Life with God is not like the Hollywood movies. Music just doesn’t magically
start when there is a fight scene or a love scene or a time when a decision
needs to be made.
Our destiny
with God is made in the silent times through Faith.
that is where the disciples are.
are on the edge of returning to their old ways of life. Fishing for a way of
life and that is when God calls them into a time which they need to make a
Will they return to fishing?
Or will they commit themselves to be
"fishers of men?"
And by
how the disciples respond, they have made their decision.
They are full of Joy.
They don’t even question Christ but they Obey.
They begin to row toward shore to great Jesus.
Simon Peter doesn't even wait for the boat; he
jumps into the water and swims to meet Christ.
is it!
this time forward, there would be no turning back for these disciples.
longer would they be fishermen--but now they would be fishers of men.
OK, we
have now looked at this Bible passage from the perspective of the disciples.
So let us look at it from the prospective of
the fish. Because that's who we are. That's right, we are the fish.
The nets represent the unity of the disciples
and of God’s Church.
And the fish represent all the souls who will
be brought to salvation by the witness of the disciples.
And this includes you and me.
Think about it some. If these disciples had
stayed in their comfort zone, you and I would never have heard of the Gospel.
We are their harvest, their catch, their reward
for leaving their boats, leaving what they knew, stepping out into faith and to
teach and preach and lead others to Christ.
Are you satisfied to stay in your comfort zone?
By being in your comfort zone, who do you minister to? Only yourself.
But there is a more satisfying life awaiting
you if you are willing to seek something greater.
To be his disciple, to be his follower, to seek
to turn the world right-side-up to his glory.
“And after the fire
a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard
it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of
the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing
God is
re-commissioning you to go out with renewed commitment and to spread the Good News
to all.
It is your decision time.
What is your answer to God?