Friday, September 7, 2018

07 28 18, Sunday Morning Sermon, John 6:1-15

Sunday Morning Sermon
John 6:1-15

There was a young couple who lived in North Carolina and they were trying to open their own very first little restaurant.
·         They have done all of the hard work
·         And now, All that was needed was to have the final health inspection walk through and the issuing of their business permit.
·         And they were scheduled to receive the permit the very next day.
·         This all occurred in September of 1989.

The couple named their little restaurant
“Our Place”
And they were super excited
As one could imagine—
That they were finally ready to open their doors, and their dream was finally ready to happen.

But early on that morning, the winds and rains of Hurricane Hugo hit the Atlantic coast.

Unexpectedly, this vicious storm
Made its way 200 miles inland,
All the way to their small town.  

·         Trees were uprooted!
·         Power lines were blown down!
·         And Homes and Stores were destroyed.

The young couple frantically hurried down to their restaurant to see if it was still standing.
·         And Fortunately, everything was still intact.

Shortly after they had arrived,
A deputy sheriff pulled up to the couple’s restaurant and informed them that:
1.    Their restaurant,
2.    The fire station next door
3.    And a service station down the road
They were the only buildings that still had electricity.

The young couple immediately
·         Called the health inspector and begged for him to come so they could open,
·         But because of the power outage, the inspector couldn’t get into his office to issue the permit.
·         And No permit,
o   Equaled - No Grand Opening.

With their small refrigerator filled with
·         300 pounds of bacon and beef
·         And bushels of tomatoes, lettuce and bread,
·         There was only one logical thing to do.

They decided to give the food away.

They told the deputy to,
·         “Tell your coworkers
·         And all of the other emergency people
·         To come by because they will have FREE BLT’s and coffee
·         For everyone who wants to drop in.”

“Soon Firemen, Policemen, Linemen and other rescue workers were stopping by “Our Place” to get refueled.

Soon afterwards, the couple heard of another restaurant which was down the road and because of the storm, they had raised their prices.

·         They were charging $10 for 2 eggs, 1 toast and 1 piece of bacon.

So what did this couple do?
·         They placed a Huge Sign in their store front window which read:
o   Families, Travelers and Homeless
o   All Are Welcomed.

And that is when God showed up.

The people who sitting and visiting at their little restaurant:
·         Got up out of their chairs and started cleaning counters and sweeping floors.
·         Volunteers took over the dish washing.
·         People from a neighboring town that had not been hit too badly by the storm heard what was happening and they brought food from their freezers.
·         Nearby merchants also heard and they responded with bring over all types of foodstuffs of all kinds.

And somehow – on that day of the storm,
·         Through those first few free cups of coffee and BLT’s
·         That day’s feeding stretched to cover over 16,000 meals.

And that little restaurant’s small stock of supplies actually increased by:
·         500 loaves of bread,
·         350 pots of coffee
·         And bushels and bushels of produce.

On That Day,
·         Through the Love and Concern for their neighbors
·         Which Started with only 2 people
·         Encouraged and allowed others to join in.
That is when God Shows Up!
That is when Miracles occur!

Does that story sound kind of familiar?
(End Story)

When just a dab of food,
·         Is changed to be the best
·         And it stretches out to become such a huge amount more.

Today, we are going to be reading of such a story.
Beginning in the Book of John, Chapter 6, beginning in verse 1.

John’s writing picks up after Jesus has
·         Performed some rather Remarkable
·         And very public healings
·         Which has stirred up a great amount of
·         Controversy and Curiosity within the people.

John spends a whole chapter in this “one snap shot of Jesus’ life” but he gives us a marvelous insight into who Jesus really is.

John shows us how Jesus connects the work which He is doing in which is in total harmony with the Father’s Will.

In fact, Jesus is working so closely to His Father’s Will that He says that He is here actually to Do the Father’s Work.

And the Works themselves testify of Jesus being the one who was Prophesied within the Word of the Old Testament.

He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

And I hope you can come back tonight because within that discussion, we will uncover the link of that prophesy.

John starts in chapter 6 when Jesus is crossing the Sea of Galilee.

John 6:1-2 “After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick.”

I think it is important for us to understand that the Sea of Galilee isn’t that huge of a body of water.
·         It is only 13 miles long and at its widest point, it is only 8 miles across.

So we find Jesus, wanting to have some quiet time for himself and for his disciples.

So Jesus had crossed over to the other side of the body of water.

But the problem is that the crowds followed him.

2) And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick.
3) Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples.
4) Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.
5) Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”

What a Great Question to ask.
·         How can we feed ALL of them?

There isn’t any McDonalds, Pizza Huts or Burger Kings around there.

But here He is, Jesus was asking a very logical and practical and important question.

But Philip answer isn’t much help at all.
7) Philip answered him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread would not be enough for each of them to get a little.”

Like as if they had 200 denarii even in their treasury, which they didn’t.

But: 8) One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him,
9) “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?”

Jesus ask Philip the question and he didn’t come up with any answer at all.

But when Andrew spoke up.

Maybe Andrew had more of an answer than Philip did But Really - did he really have the answer?

Hey Lord, ah, 9) “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?”

Maybe Jesus was asking Philip to really get Andrew to speak up with a solution.

I think the key here lied with Andrew but he didn’t know it.

See, I feel there was no other disciple but Andrew, who would have even noticed this young boy among the mast crowd.

Now - Remember, the count was 5000 men.
The Women and Children did not count.

Here is an example of the real world thinking and this was some 1800+ years after Jesus.

On my Dad’s side of the family, they came across the Atlantic to the New World during the late 1800s. There was women and a child who came over with my Great Grandfather and on the ship manifest, it lists the women and child as ‘CARGO’. They were nothing more than pieces of luggage which remained in the hull of the ship for that entire voyage.

Cargo, Pieces of Property. Nothing of value and most certainly, nothing to count.

So when the Bible reads of 5000 men, that most certainly does not include all of the women and their children.

But as we know, Christ Challenged that way of thinking and He also tried to change it.

For your own research, study the story about:
·         The woman and the well,
·         The stoning of the adulterous woman,
·         The woman who said, “Yes Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table.”
And that is just to name a few. 

But back to our reading for today,
What was so special about this young, small, poor boy for Andrew to take notice him?

Do you struggle with seeing it?

I feel we may need to shift our way of thinking. Within our world of today,
·         Usually when we think of someone being special, someone who stands out, we think of them as being strong and mighty and they are usually always big, tall and dark.
·         They are like the Super Heroes from our Big Screens.
·         Handsome or Attractive and most of the time, Bigger than Life!
o   Superman
o   Wonder Woman
o   Spiderman
o   Batman, just to name a few.

But Andrew saw this young – poor – boy. Who wasn’t even worthy to count within the 5000.

When Jesus seeks out His Workers,
·         Who does He usually find to be his heroes?
·         Who did He seek out to do his work?

Let’s just look at a few:
·         Saint Paul wasn’t tall at all but on the contrary, he was bald and rather short in height.
·         David, he was but a small boy when he sleighed the Giant and still a boy when he was anointed to be King by God.
·         Moses was most certainly not a great speaker but rather he suffered terribly with a stuttering problem.
·         And even Gideon was from the smallest of the clans and he was the shortest, the smallest within his clan. The Least of the Least!

Way too often, we forget how important our children really are. One of the “old day’s” says was the phrase, “Children are to be seen and not heard!”
But I hope we understand that it is within our children where our Hope rests. They are truly our future!

Samuel Wesley was a devoted priest in the Church of England.
In Mr. Wesley’s heart there burned a desire to see the church renewed and revived.
One day he was studying and praying while his two small children, John and Charles, were playing on the stairway.
They were quite noisy as young boys tend to be.
Finally, Samuel Wesley became so distracted by their noise that he rushed out of his study and shouted at them:
“Go play elsewhere.
I am trying to pray for a great revival to come upon the church, and your noise is disturbing me.”

Little did Mr. Samuel Wesley know that the great awakening for which he was praying was running up and down those stairs, in the persons of his own small boys, Charles and John Wesley, who would one day become key figures in that awakening and a key player within our church.

E. T. Sullivan has written, “When God wants a great work done in the world or a great wrong righted, he goes about it in a very unusual way.

He doesn’t stir up his earthquakes or send for his thunderbolts. Instead, he has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home and of obscure [parents].

And then God puts the idea into [a mother or father’s heart and they] put it into the baby’s mind.

And then God waits.

[Besides God], the greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are [our young children].”

In the ancient world, children counted for very little.
However in God’s World as it should be in ours, Boys and Girls matter so much to the church.
We need to do everything we can to help them grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

“Here is a boy…” says Andrew.
There is someone – a - here who has something to offer to the Master.
Jesus took the young boy’s
·         Five barley loaves and
·         Two small fish and
·         Blessed them and
·         Asked his disciples to distribute them to the multitudes,
·         And thousands of people were fed
·         And when they gathered up the leftovers,
·         They filled twelve baskets.

The effect of this miracle was electrifying upon the crowd.

14b) “They said, ‘This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!’”
15) Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.”

Jesus didn’t want to be a mere earthly king, however, He wanted to be king of their hearts.

He wanted to find other young men and young women and aging men and aging women with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish to offer and help them see miracles in their lives as well.
That was his plan then. That is his plan now.

Jesus is looking for people whose influences he can magnify and multiply.

That is how he has always worked.

That is Jesus’ plan for the redemption of this world.

Each one of us—
·         Young and old—
·         Through the offering of ourselves to Christ—
·         Finding that one gift which we have to offer him
·         And seeing it through until the day comes when we see his victory.
·         Then we can give thanks for having played a small part within that victory.

As it has been noted,
·         “The story of the feeding of the 5000 appears in all four gospels,
·         But it is only within John’s gospel that it says the loaves and the fishes came from a boy.

Much Like the New Testament story of
·         The widow who puts her last two small coins in the treasury,

Just Like the Old Testament story of
·         The widow who used the last of her meal and oil to make bread for Elijah,

And In our story of today, this young boy gave all he had.

These 3 people are nameless, yet their acts of faith, trust and generosity are still remembered.

I want to ask you this morning,
·         “What’s in you that you can offer to Jesus?”

·         And Giving to his kingdom isn’t just about giving of material gifts.

·         Giving to his kingdom is All About the Giving of Yourself.

·         Have you a specific skill that Christ can use for the betterment of the world?

·         What’s in your gift that you can offer Jesus?

A young poor boy had five barley loaves and two small fish that he offered up to the Master.

And then look at what happened.

·         Can you imagine how that young man felt when he got home?

·         Can you imagine of his excitement as he tried to tell others?

·         You and I can know that kind of excitement.

·         All we have to do is to give to Jesus the gifts which He has already given to us.