Saturday, April 18, 2020

04 15 2020 - Pastor's Pen in the Minneapolis Messenger Newspaper, by Pastor Dan


The Minneapolis Messenger “Pastor’s Pen” Articleby Pastor Dan Denning

How are you doing?
I pray that you are staying safe and you are living in the knowledge that God is in control and He is watching out for us all.
Since it is spring and there is always great fishing during the spring, I would like to once again, share with you one of my fishing experiences. This particular day started as if there was nothing extraordinary about it. It was just a normal day however today, a good fishing friend of mine went with me to another friend’s fishing pond. It was just one of those days, the wind was silent, the sun was out, and the birds were flying around having fun. Immediately, my friend began to cast and reel, and cast and reel as he kept making his way around up the west side and then down the north side of this nice sized pond. But for Me, I was enjoying myself by just staying at the same spot where I first began to cast out and reel in. As I fished, I started to notice all of the beauty that was around me. The ground squares were running around, the butterflies were out going from one flower to the next and I could hear the bees singing as they flew around as well. Our farmer friend had some beehives not too far from the pond for two purposes. To help pollen his crops as well as to make some wonderful honey.
As normal, I was fishing with the lightest-weight ultralight fishing pole that I had. I believe I was using four-pound test line and a small silver-spoon was my tackle. I was really enjoying the quietness of just standing there, by myself, hearing the light whisper of the line going out on each cast, and the small splash sound when the spoon hit the water. Since my friend is now on the other side of the pond, there was no other sounds except the nature which was happening all around me.
But that is when it happened. There was a fish who decided he liked my spoon and I am talking about a fish. He took a bite and he held on. I had so much fun, reeling and unreeling, reeling and unreeling, and repeat and repeat. With using an open-face spinning reel, when you have a much larger fish on the line than the strength of your line, you can either use the drag or back-reel when the fish takes off. If you use the drag, you take the chance of twisting your line which ultimately, weakens the line, so, I often choose the back-reel with resistance. I could go on and on and tell you of the fun and of challenges I had with this fish but the thing is, it took me over 50 minutes to land that fish. That is almost an hour, of working and working with this fish to get him to the shore.
And yes, my fishing friend noticed and my friend who owned the property also showed up and they both watched me working with this fish.
Probably by now, you are wondering, why is Pastor Dan telling me about a Great Fishing Story rather than telling me about God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit especially, since we are only a few days from the Resurrection of Jesus, and I believe that is a fair as well as a good question to ask.
Let me ask you a question and please be honest here. To what level or degree, do you feel that Jesus is after your own heart? Not too much? Just kind-of? About average? Maybe pretty much? Now I am asking - To what degree would you say, (to yourself), that Jesus is after your heart? You don’t have to tell your answer to anyone but yourself, so please – be honest with yourself.
Now we could run to John 3:16 and hear His Words when He says: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” And that is a Great Reference HOWEVER, one can say that He is talking of the whole world and not just about me.
What about when Jesus went to the Cross and died for our sins? And again, that is a Great Reference HOWEVER, once again, He is going to the Cross for the whole world’s sin and not just mine.

So HOW DO YOU FEEL? To – What – Degree - Level do you feel that YOU are of Interest to God?
To help us with that answer, I would like to take a look within the Book of Luke, Chapter 19, verses 41-44. This event which is described is usually titled, “Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem”. You cannot miss the Words “He began to weep.”
Did you know that there are Only Three locations within the Bible where it talks about Jesus weeping? One was after He saw Mary after her brother, Lazarus has died (John 11:35). And as Jesus entered Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). And in Hebrews 5:7 as it defines ‘how’ Jesus prayed.
In our world Today, when we talk about Jesus’ weeping, do we not down play it so much? We get the understanding that Jesus was ‘moved’, that He may have had a tear or possibly two, or that He was just ‘saddened’. But, did you know that the word ‘weeping’ can be replaced with the word, “Jesus wailed”. These words also fit the Greek definition here: “He moaned” or even “He howled”. At any case, sometimes “Wept”, just doesn’t carry the full weight of Jesus’ expression as it should. BUT do we understand – that Jesus actually – busted-out into a loud, uncontrollable sobbing - as He grieved of His people’s lost opportunity.
This cry of Christ was because He was So Frustrated with His desire to have His Peace accepted by all, including you and me, so that the destruction of sin would not enslave His People, YOU and me!!! But because we have spiritual blindness, we may not escape the destruction.
But what does this have to do with you and me and here today? The answer is simple - A Lot! The Bible is never written only for that one moment within time, otherwise we could never say that the Scriptures are Alive! It is written for all time. So, when we chalk these versus up and say that they were “Only reflecting of the Jews who lived during those days,” we could not be more mistaken.
Let me ask you: How do You reject Jesus Today? In what ways do You go in a different direction than the direction of God? In what ways have You missed the Opportunity of having God’s Peace and through your actions and decisions, You have selected and embraced the opposite of God: sin, darkness, and death? DO YOU Hear Jesus’ Weeping? His Wailing? His Moaning? His Howling because YOU have missed the opportunity of having God’s Peace and Salvation?
See, when I was reeling in that large fish, Just as God does, I allowed the fish to run from me and he was still in-control of his decisions. I did not force him to come to me, and God – Never Forces anyone to follow Him. It is always our own decision. And when that fish decided to come to me, instead of just pulling him on to the shore, I – just a Jesus does, Jesus steps into the fishes world, steps into the muddy mud and into the filthy water to comforted him, to hold him upright so no harm would come to him, to lovingly touch him and welcome him to His Family.
Jesus Christ did leave His Heavenly Home to come to this earth where sin lives. And yes, Jesus Christ did go to the Cross so that He can forgive sin. Yes, for sure, He did go for everyone’s sin. He went to the Cross for Your Sins.
So, do you hear Christ’s Weeping? His Wailing? His Moaning? His Howling because YOU have missed the opportunity of having God’s Peace and Salvation or are you within Christ’s arms being loved and guided and protected? The decision is yours.
As always, if you do not have a Church Home, you are always invited to come and visit the friendly Hall Wesleyan Church. 
Hall Church is God's Church, which is surrounded by His Country Beauty and a place where you are always welcome to come and spend a country moment with us in God's Biblical Truth.   
Pastor Dan