Tuesday, April 7, 2020

04 07 2020 HALL Wesleyan Church - Pastor Dan's Message for the Day

3rd Day of Jesus being in Jerusalem

Matthew 21:18-22 New Living Translation (nlt)

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree
18 In the morning, as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem, He was hungry, 19 and He noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves. Then He said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” And immediately the fig tree withered up.

20 The disciples were amazed when they saw this and asked, “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?”

21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. 22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”

Have you ever really thought about what happened here?

SO, is Jesus just being CRUEL to this fig tree to make a point?

For us to fully answer this question, we need to understand a few things first.

When is the Passover?
Since Jesus and his disciples came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, what time of year would this have been?

See the Passover starts on the evening
·        Of the 15th of the Jewish month of Nisan.
·        In our secular calendar terms,
o   The Passover traditionally begins
o   In late March or early April.
o   And for this year of 2020,
§  Passover begins at sundown on this Wednesday, April 8.

When does Fig Trees produce fruit?
BUT, since this story deals with a proud fig tree which had no figs, when would we normally expect to find figs on a fig tree?
Common fig trees produce fruit
·        Starting as early as May or June,
·        And will continue fruiting as late as the first frost of the season,
o   which is usually in October or November.
·        And a fig tree will begin producing fruit during the 1st or 2nd year after being planted.

And how long and big does a Fig Tree grow?
A fig tree can live up to 200 years
·        And a large fig tree,
o   One that goes up to be 30 feet tall
o   Or so, can produce hundreds of figs in a year.

SO, is Jesus just being CRUEL to this fig tree to make a point?

The answer would be a NO and a YES.

Here is the No Part.
NO to Our Lord being Cruel. We must remember that Jesus is never cruel.

Yes, Jesus would have been
·        Perfectly in His right to do anything He wanted to this Fig tree,
·        Simply because, it really belongs to Him.
·        He created it so it belongs to Him.
·        However, Jesus never reacts this way.

Yes, He judges
·        And if we are not in Him,
o   Then we will be judged that way
§  However, He is never cruel.
·        Cruel would be to take someone
o   Who is of Him and then Jesus would just send Him to hell because He can.
o   Now that would be cruel.
o   But we all know that Jesus doesn’t do that.

And now, This is where the YES Part of that question.
YES – Is Jesus making a Point?
·        Simply put, Jesus judged this tree
o   And He found that it was not living up to how it should be living,
§  And it was JUDGED!

YES, Jesus made His point to His disciples.
·        But – We may be asking - How can He judge a Fig tree of not having fruit when it was a few months away from when it should be having fruit?

And that is a Great question.
See, Although the Fig trees do not produce fruit until May or June,
·        The Fig trees always have little buds or sprouts
o   Growing upon them which are not yet what we would call figs.
·        However, they are still very tasty.

And that is what Jesus was looking for to satisfy His hunger.

See – this tree was full of leaves but had ZERO fruit,
·        Including Zero of the little buds or sprouts.
·        So, in relating this thinking of a tree to human kind,
o   This tree was FULL-Of-HIMSELF
o   And he is not thinking past of himself
o   And not providing for any life of future trees nor for any other life.

So, I believe the obvious is clear here.
·        If we do nothing other than fill ourselves up with God
·        And we allow ourselves to grow Tall and Proud –
·        Thinking only of ourselves,
·        Then what GOOD are we to God and God’s purpose?
o   See – God created us to worship Him
o   But He also created us to humble ourselves before Him
o   And to do His work which is sharing Him with others.

And yes, this is something that I need to be reminded of more than not.
·        When we, when I
o   Begin to look around
o   And see what others may have,
§  It is hard for me to not want those same things.
§  They are my age and see what they have?
§  I would love to have those same things myself.

But you see - most of the time,
·        By following God and spreading His Word,
o   That takes energy,
o   That takes time,
o   That takes resources,
o   And YES,
§  Putting it in a tree’s language,
§  Being of God does decrease our foulage.
§  It does take away some of the toys
·        Which we could otherwise have.
It does mean that we put our energy
·        Into making fruit for others
·        Rather than saving-up those juices
o   And putting it into the bank for ourselves.

So, I believe,
·        This should change our question from
o   ‘Is Jesus being cruel’
·        to
o   ‘Why did Jesus use this tree
§  To tell the disciples that they can move mountains’?

But Here is the thing.
I do not believe that the moving mountains
·        Was the True Point which
·        Jesus was making here
o   But isn’t that where most of us run to
o   And that is simply because,
§  When we think of God,
§  Do we not always think of Him doing something HUGE
§  With His strength
·        Such as moving mountains from here to there.

But I believe His point comes before that.
I believe Jesus’ point lies within His Words:
“I tell you the Truth, IF you have FAITH and DON’T DOUBT, you can do things like this and much more.”

“IF you have Faith”,

Yes, He is saying these Words to us
·        But He was also saying them to His personal disciples.  

“IF you have Faith.”

Tell me –
·        What would be your thoughts
·        IF I came up to you and said,

How would you take that?
·        I am sure that you would be offended by my statement.
o   “What do you mean – IF I have Faith?!!!”

Would that not be what you would be thinking?

But see - Jesus said these same words to
·        His disciples who have been with Him for 3 years now.

From the Webster 1828 Dictionary,
·        They used the words
o   As of ways of defining the word IF
o   And they even include the scriptures of Matthew 4:3 within their definition:
o   “During that time the devil came and said to him, ‘IF You are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.’”

So, IF

I believe Jesus is telling us IF
·        IF ONLY we have Faith,
·         And I am talking about True Faith.  

I remember once being told of a very God driven woman
·        And at the last moments of her life here,
·        She said these words:
·        “Oh My. I have so much to learn.”

I believe we are all like that.
·        Some of us have just begun believing
o   And there is lots to learn
·        While some of us have been believing our whole lives
o   But yet, there is lots to learn.

And learning Only Comes from Being with God.
·        Being In His Word
·        And in Prayer with Him.

That is how we learn about Him.
And as we learn of Him,
·        We grow in Faith in Him.
·        And we can continue to grow in faith
·        Up to the point
o   And even beyond the point
§  Of being called home

But that question still remains for you and I - “IF you have Faith.”

Today, I encourage you to spend extra time with God.
Dig Deeper into His Word and let the Spirit deepen your Faith.

If we live our lives for today so we have tomorrow,
·        What good is that?

But IF we live our lives for Him and In Him we Live –
·        How Grand is That?